This Wednesday (9/16) we will have our annual Back-to-School Night. This year, we will be 100% virtual and host all mini-classes via Zoom. There is a pre-recorded message from the administration to offer remarks and directions. Please take a moment to view this recording prior to your first mini-class Zoom on Wednesday evening.
Click the link to view the message:
Our Back to School night mini classes will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening. Parents are asked to follow their son’s schedule. Our schedule will be as follows:
Time/Period Zoom with teacher starts at:
Day1/Period 1 6:30
Day1/Period 2 6:45
Day1/Period 3-5 7:00
Day1/Period 6 7:15
Day1/Period 7 7:30
Day2/Period 1 7:45
Day2/Period 2 8:00
Band/Choir 8:15
Health (9th grade only) 8:30
Teachers will post a Zoom link on Portals for parents to log on at the appropriate time. Teachers have prepared a live synchronous Zoom session for each of their classes according to the schedule above. Parents are asked to log into their teacher’s Zoom session at the scheduled time. This is an extremely important night in the life of our school and an opportunity for you to meet with parents and communicate your expectations to them. During this presentation, parents will learn about course information, homework and grading policies, and the use of Parent+ & Google classroom. This year in particular, teachers will highlight how they navigate through a hybrid model of instruction.
Parents, please know that each mini-class should not exceed 10 minutes to allow you to jump from one zoom to the next. This is also not a time for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Those can be scheduled at alternate dates/times. We hope you enjoy the evening.
And don’t forget, the Campus Store is offering 10% off on any ONLINE purchase tonight (Wednesday, Sept. 16) if you use the coupon code 16Sept20.
Click HERE to access the Campus Store Page.